
Parish Mission

Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in Church | Comments Off on Parish Mission

The Mother See of the Armenian Church is based at Etchmiadzin in Armenia and this is where the Catholicos is based as well as being the base for the spiritual and administrative bodies of the church. Each area in the world where an Armenian church is located has dioceses and each diocese is made upRead more …

Armenian Church

Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in Church | Comments Off on Armenian Church

The history of the Armenian church is almost as old as Christianity itself as according to tradition two apostles of Jesus, St Thaddeus and St Barthlomew brought the Gospel to Armenia during the second half of the first century. Subsequently through the preaching of St Gregory, Tiradates lll the king was converted to Christianity andRead more …

The Primacy

Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in Church | Comments Off on The Primacy

His Holiness Karekin II The head of the Armenian Church and Supreme Patriach and Catholicos of all Armenians is His Holiness Karekin II and he is based at Etchmiadzin in Armenia. During his priesthood he studied at Vienna and Germany and undertook postgraduate studies in Russia. He was elected and consecrated as Catholicos in NovemberRead more …

Membership and Donation

Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in Church | Comments Off on Membership and Donation

Anyone who would like to pay Membership Fees or Donate to ‘Armenian Church in Ireland’ Bank Account, can do so by contacting the Treasurer at

Dr. Paul Manook has participated to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Ireland

Jan 25, 2021 | Posted by in Church, News and Events | Comments Off on Dr. Paul Manook has participated to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Ireland

Jan 18th is the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Ireland. The Dublin Council of Churches (DCC) produced a video for this occasion. Being a Vice Chair of the DCC, Dr. Paul Manook joined with the Chairperson to give few words. See the video below :