
St. Hripsime Armenian Sunday School was established in Dublin in 2009 thanks to the joint efforts of members of the Armenian community and the active support of the Armenian Honorary Consulate in Ireland. The school was established in recognition of the fact that Armenian children in Ireland did not have opportunities to study Armenian language, nor did they have opportunities to interact with fellow Armenians of their own age.

The school facilities are rented from the Taney Parish Centre. We would like to express here our thanks to the Taney Parish in Dundrum for their welcome with acknowledgement of a special debt of gratitude to Canon Des Sinnamon, fellow clergy and administrators of the Taney Parish Centre.

Over the past three years, the school has become a focus for the Armenian community in Dublin. School and community celebrations are regularly held here. The Taney Parish Church is where Armenians congregate to Celebrate Mass and Baptisms.

More information about the school terms, structure, enrollment and classes can be found through the School page or the relevant menu above.